Top 7 Easiest Ways to Migrate to Canada from Nigeria? No IELTS or Age Barrier!

Cheapest way to Migrate to Canada from Nigeria

Looking for the best Cheapest way to migrate to Canada from Nigeria or the easiest Canadian immigration program for Nigerians? If yes, then you’re in the right place.

Also, if you are interested in relocating to Canada to study, work and live permanently, this article is mostly for you.

Since March of this year, I have been getting a lot of requests and questions from people of all ages and positions about how they can relocate to Canada…

Doctors, nurses, bankers, students, men, women, pastors…you name it!

Many of them say they are just tired of Nigeria. Things are not working and any hope of ‘Nigeria go better’ has finally sizzled out like butter in a hot fry pan.

At first, I didn’t pay much attention to this because there are many websites out there with tons of information on this subject.

But I can understand the surge in requests for Canada relocation information…


Here is the search stat for the word Japa in the last 12 months.

Canada immigration japa

And what of Canadian immigration? Just as you would expect, See below.

Canada immigration

With these surges, came an intriguing question I considered which is” What’s the easiest and cheapest way to migrate to Canada from Nigeria?”, and I was like, but we have talked about how to relocate to Canada from Africa even if all other relocations paths are against you.


With the present condition of the country at the moment, I really don’t blame any Nigerian who is looking for a better life for themselves and their family.


Imagine the audacity of the “supposed” elites to be snapping pictures of them and their children in foreign schools during graduation, and posting on social media when our children, brothers, and sisters are in the house for over 5 months now cause of the ASUU strike.
And do we want to start talking about the $ to Naira rate now – the economy being in shambles? No, let’s not go there.


Truth is…Canada is a great country and home to about 100,000 Nigerians. And if you REALLY want to relocate to Canada, you better shine your eyes well well, know what you want, and take action. See the image below.

Relocating to Canada from Nigeriam as a student

Let’s start with this…

Over the coming three years, Canada will target the following number of new immigrant landings:

  • 2022: 431,645 permanent residents
  • 2023: 447,055 permanent residents
  • 2024: 451,000 permanent residents.


Perhaps you never saw where this is leading us, here is another chance to grab this simple method to move to Canada without Age, Agent, or IELTS wahala.

Let’s now see the cheapest ways to migrate to Canada from Nigeria.


P.S – If you want a video summary of the top ways, watch below.

Best & Cheapest Ways to Migrate to Canada from Nigeria in

Cheapest Ways to Migrate to Canada from Nigeria

1. Relocation with Express Entry Program? – No!

Basically, the legal and comfortable route to immigrate to Canada from Nigeria is via the Federal Express Entry Program. But I am aware that a lot of people hate it because of a required IELTS of 6.0+.

Relocating with Express Entry connotes that you have all the requirements + documentation the Canadian immigration service needs.

The express entry favors people 30 years old and below with a Master’s and one year of work experience (in qualified jobs).

But that route is very competitive. Even the last month’s CRS draw cut-off point stood at 500+ which is a tough point for a regular with no Canadian education, work experience, language, and more requirements to get.

Here was the draw overview:

On July 6, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held its first all-program draw in 18 months. A total of 1,500 candidates were invited to apply for Canadian immigration and candidates needed to have a score of at least 557, a very high score, in order to receive an invitation.

On top of this, if you are older than 35, it is more difficult for you to get into Canada using Express Entry (difficult, not impossible).

While Express Entry might seem like a big deal relocation route, the truth remains that it is the fastest way to relocate to Canada as a Nigerian or from any other country. And for that reason, below are the relocation steps.

An overview of the Express Entry Application process

Step 1. First, you need to get info about Canadian immigration programs, facilities, and rules.

Step 2. Get the info about IELTS, study, and give IELTS if you are from a non-native English language country.

Step 3. Get your professional skills assessed by Canadian skills assessment bodies (Like WES) for migrants like you need to apply for CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System).

Step 4. Create an Express Entry profile.

Step 5. Your profile gets ranked in the Express Entry pool depending on your points.

Step 6. You can get a job from a Canadian employer after you get an invitation to apply (ITA) for Canada.

Step 7. Submit Medical PCC and other Documents.

Step 8. Apply for a Canada visa and migrate to Canada.

To learn more about applying for the Express Entry route, click here now

Recommendationclick here to check out a Comprehensive Guide To Relocate To Canada As a Permanent Resident Skilled Worker


Is this route not favorable? If yes, then read down to see which of them fits your qualification. 

P.S – in case you do not want to read more and go straight to the relocation path that do not require IELTS, go to Number #7. 😉 

2.  Relocation with Work Permit Immigration Program?– No!

Relocation with Work Permit Immigration Program

The Work permit is another easy route to leaving Nigeria for Canada. This program involves using a work permit to work in Canada.

Here is an overview of the Work Permit

A step-by-step description of how to apply for a temporary work permit in Canada:

Step 1: Determine if you require a work permit to work in your desired job in Canada

Step 2: Determine if you are eligible to apply for a Canadian temporary work permit

Step 3: Determine if you will apply online or on paper

Step 4: Obtain a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from your potential employer, if required

Step 5: Obtain a temporary job offer from your potential employer

Step 6: Gather All Required Documents and Forms

Step 7: Pay fees :

Step 8: Submit the application:

The application may be submitted online or to a Visa Application Center.


Is this route not favorable? If yes, then read down to see which of them fits your qualification. And if you want to try it out, check out this Canadian site to start the application process.

3. Relocation with Provincial Nominee Program – No!

Relocation with Provincial Nominee Program

PNP again is one of the easiest routes to immigrate to Canada.

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is designed to enable provinces and territories to support the immigration of people who have expressed an interest in settling in their province or territory.

Based on many provinces, it uses a points system to qualify you.

Qualification Points are typically based on a combination of age, work experience, education, language, and connections to the province.


The good thing about it is that you might not require a 6.5+ IELTS to be sure to try it out. With an average score then you are good to go. But there is a deal-breaker.

With PNP, you can’t decide where you want to live in Canada. The point is, if you have a needed skill in any Canadian province then the Provincial Nominee Program is for you.

Here is an ultimate guide on the Provincial Nominee Program and its application.


Is this route not favorable? If yes, then read down to see which of them fits your qualification. But if you consider it, then check out the relocation requirements.

4. Relocate with Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

Relocate with Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

Have you ever heard of the Rural Northern Immigration Pilot program, a flexible route to leave Nigeria for Canada?

Well, the Rural & Northern immigration Pilot was introduced to spread the benefits of economic immigration to smaller communities by creating a path to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers who want to work and live in one of the participating communities in Canada.

Cheapest way to Migrate to Canada from Nigeria

Like the Express Entry Relocation pathway, there are so many requirements.

  • You must have qualified work experience in the province.
  • You must have graduated from a publicly funded post-secondary institution in the recommended community.
  • Meet or exceed the language requirements – French Speaking/Proof
  • Meet or exceed the educational requirements.
  • Prove you have enough money to support your transition into the community.
  • Intend to live in the community.
  • Meet community-specific requirements and more.

To crown it all, RNIP mostly favors foreigners already resident in Canada.


Top Canadian Participating Communities in the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

The Rural and Northern Immigration pilot takes place in the following participating communities at different times. Here is the list of them.

1.       Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

2.       Thunder Bay, ON

3.       Brandon, Manitoba

4.       Altona/Rhineland, MB, and more.


#1. Sault Ste. Marie – Ontario, Canada

Sault Ste. Marie, Canada is a community of 73,000. Sault Ste. Marie provides a mix of urban and natural amenities that offer an affordable, active lifestyle in the heart of the Great Lakes.


ABOUT SAULT STE. MARIE’S Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

Sault Ste. Marie’s Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot was/is designed to support economic development in her community and strengthen our local business’s capacity to develop and retain a skilled workforce.

This pilot is being managed in partnership with the Sault Ste. Marie Economic Development Corporation, FutureSSM, the Sault Ste. Marie Local Immigration Partnership and the Sault Community Career Centre.

As a Nigerian seeking relocation, all you need to do is apply as a Foreign National/ Applicant, and start processing your PR in Canada. Simple.


#2. Thunder Bay, – Ontario, Canada

Like Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay is a nice community in Canada.

Thunder Bay’s economy is undergoing a shift, becoming more diversified and sustainable. There are plenty of job and business opportunities but there are gaps in the workforce and an aging demographic causes concern. Hence, the need for foreigners/Nigerians to relocate to Canada via her Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot.


ABOUT Thunder Bay’s Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

On January 2, 2020, Thunder Bay began accepting applications for a Thunder Bay CEDC community recommendation from individuals wishing to immigrate to Thunder Bay where they have a genuine full-time job offer from an approved employer, meet the federal government’s eligibility criteria, and meet the community recommendation criteria set by the CEDC.


Can’t relocate using Express Entry or PNP? Then the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot program is your next best pilot for Canada. 

The RNIP is based on the confidence of other Nigerians that have grabbed their Permanent Residency in Canada.

What’s the processing time for the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot?

The processing time for HCCPP is 6-9 months. It can span to 12 months if you delay from your end. To get started with the Northern Pilot program on your own, act fast with this complete guide.

Is this route not favorable? If yes, then read down to see which of them fits your qualification. But if you consider it, check out the update and steps here .

5. Relocate via the Federal Skilled Worker Class (FSWC) Program

The FSWC program is for skilled workers with foreign work experience who want to immigrate to Canada permanently.

Luckily, this program has minimum requirements for:

  • skilled work experience
  • language ability
  • education

You must meet all the minimum requirements to be eligible.

And if you meet all the minimum requirements, they’ll then assess your application based on:

  • age
  • education
  • work experience
  • whether you have a valid job offer
  • English and/or French language skills
  • adaptability (how well you’re likely to settle here)

These factors are part of a 100-point grid used to assess eligibility for the Federal Skilled Worker Program. You earn points for how well you do in each of the 6 factors. But the current pass mark is 67 points.

Also, note that you need Proof of funds. That is, you must show that you have enough money for you and your family to settle in Canada unless you are currently able to legally work in Canada or have a valid job offer from an employer in Canada.

If you are in for the Federal Skilled Worker Class (FSWC) Program, learn more and apply here.

6. Relocate Via Immigrate with A Start-Up Visa Program

Do you have an innovative business idea (like Elon Musk – just kidding)? If you can get support for your idea from one of the designated organizations, you may be able to immigrate to Canada via the start-up visa route.

Canada’s Start-up Visa Program targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada that:

  • are innovative
  • can create jobs for Canadians
  • can compete on a global scale

In summary, this route is for investors who will add to and boost the trade & economy of Canada.

To be eligible for the Start-up Visa Program, you must:

  • have a qualifying business
  • get a letter of support from a designated organization
  • meet the language requirements
  • bring enough money to settle


You must also meet the language requirements. That is, the ability to communicate and work in English, French or both languages will help your business succeed in Canada.

You must take a language test from an approved agency and include the results with your application, or we won’t process it.

You must meet the minimum level of the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5 in either English or French in all of these four areas:

  • speaking
  • reading
  • listening
  • writing

If you are qualified for the start-up visa program, learn more and apply here.


Read morehere is how to score up to 7.0 in IELTS.

And now to the new system 90% of Nigerians now use to Relocate to Canada in the most “No Hassle & Most Affordable Way Possible” is via the Study Visa Route.

I mean, a system that over 20,000 Nigerians used in 2021 to enter Canada, and by next year will get their Canadian PR certificate.

Like I said before now if you are interested in relocating to Canada in 2022 to study, work, and live permanently, then sit up and listen.


7. Relocate To Canada without IELTS from Nigeria with the Study Visa Route – Yes, without IELTS. 😎 

Relocate To Canada without IELTS from Nigeria with the Study Visa Route

The Study Visa relocation route is what you need if you hate IELTS or TOEFL exams like most Nigerians. 

With this relocation path, you can relocate, study for free, and work in Canada without wasting money on any travel agent or writing IELTS/TOEFL academic exams.

And the best news is that you can go for this relocation path even if you are above 40 years. Yeah.  


So, How Does the Study Visa Work?

Step 1. You choose a Canadian School and Program in a province of your choice.

Step 2. You apply to the University/College depending on your CGPA plus school requirements.

Step 3. You get an offer letter and head on to Apply for a Study Visa.

Step 4. You arrive in Canada to study and get your Study Permit.

Step 5. You graduate and apply for Permanent Residence in Canada based on the province of choice.


Why is the Study Visa Relocation Pathway the Best for you?

#1. The Study Visa is the highest administration rate pathway to Canada today (undergraduate to Ph.D.).

#2. Most routes are inconsistent – for instance, relocation paths like EE, PNP, and others were paused for people outside of Canada, and guess what? The point system takes into consideration your age, language, IELTS, and more, which makes them very competitive.

#3. Does not need IELTS as far as you studied in English.

#4. Your age does not matter.

#5. Your Spouse/Family can join you. And guess what? Your husband or wife will get the Spousal Open Work Permit – to work anywhere in Canada.

And your children get work or study visit Visas based on their age.

#6. You get the Canadian Work Experience – imagine getting the top 2 requirements others sweat to get in the EE, PNP or other relocation programs.

#7. No agents are required. You do everything, plus the support you need to scale through.


To see more about why this is the new easy-peasy relocation route to Japa to Canada from Nigeria, click below and listen to Seyi who used this part as well to Canada + funding she got.

You can also get the complete guide toRelocate to Canada with Your Family Within 8 Months and Save as Much as N2m in the Process from Victor Jegede who has been in the system for a long time now.

Check out the program here

Do you want to withdraw or exchange your UBA dollar card funds? You can do it here with fnfSwap.

Final Notes on the Cheapest Way to Relocate To Canada from Nigeria

Relocation to Canada is a dream of many Nigerians, and the ones that have relocated haven’t had a cause to regret it.

Are you looking for the fastest way to permanent residence in Canada from Nigeria? It is the Express Entry.

With Express Entry you relocate based on your ability to sponsor yourself and meet all the Canadian immigration requirements.  

If you’re looking at relocating to Canada based on your skill and work experience, you can apply for the Provincial Nominee program – you get nominated based on the need of the particular Canadian province.

And if you are still perplexed about the two then this is it. When choosing between Express Entry and Provincial Nominee, remember to do your research: consider the time, restrictions, costs, and requirement you need to process your application.


Who is the Rural and Northern Pilot Program for?

It is for those who hate IELTS but can still provide Proof of funds.

With the RNIP, you can comfortably relocate to Canada as a Nigerian using the Rural and Northern paths if only you are willing before they shut it down.

As soon as the number of candidates needed would have relocated to the Canadian communities, this relocation pilot program will be closed.


The Easiest Route with NO IELTS/TOEFL EXAMS to relocate to Canada from Nigeria

And finally, there lies the best with no IELTS or TOEFL exams. With this relocation path, you can relocate, study for free, and work in Canada without wasting money on any travel agent or writing IELTS/TOEFL academic exams.

The good news is that 18-45+ years are considered eligible.


Check out how Seyi Obasi did it. Or, you can follow Victor’s jegede’s steps.


And note, that the processing time starts from the day you decide to start your application process.

Why not get started today?


That is it on the easiest and cheapest Canadian Immigration program for Nigerians.


#Good luck.


If you have questions, drop them below and I will attend to them.

Read also – How To Finally Relocate To Canada Without IELTS + PDF By Victor Ola | Ad – Make Money in Nigeria.


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